Wednesday, 15 April 2009

What I'm snacking on #4

This post is anything but harmless*. It's all rather dangerous as it encourages gourmandising. I first read about the Marks and Spencer cupcake here. I♥Cupcakes (IHeartC), I hold thee responsible.
Thelondonpaper (eugh!) got hold of it as well!
The ones in the middle are the raspberry and white chocolate, obviously a trifle popular
I'm no fan of strawberries but I do go weak at the mere mention of vanilla!
At the introductory price of 63p or thereabouts per coopcake, there's absolutely nothing to loose except Marks themselves.
Pretty well formed I would say
The strawberry compote centre
I'm no LAC (Leading Authority on Cupcakes) like some esteemed peeps, I'm just a 'teaandcake' man, so said MsYeastextract. So the cake-pleb that I am, I can only conclude that these cakes are exceedingly good. I know that I♥C had expressed caution over the inclusion of rapeseed oil, I actually didn't find the cakes oily tasting. In fact it I found this cupcake thing to be a bloody triumph, for something that's mass produced to taste moist and possessing a glimmer of bespoke touch. This cake might just put certain people off baking their own, it’s that good and M&S have clearly done their homework. Posh cakes for the masses. Bravo M&S and thank you I♥C.

NB and yes Lizzie I finished all four in one sitting, it wasn’t difficult.

*The cakes are cheap as hell!

Oh, another cause for bingey celebrations, Arsenal are through to the semis of the Champions League! Bring on Man U!


Lemon Meringue Variety
Just as addictive, tangy, fragrant and well judged sweetness.


  1. Congrats M&S, congrats Arsenal! I watched Porto vs. ManU and will keep fingers crossed.
    Cant't wait to enter M&S soon and buy tons of shortbread and possibly cupcakes :-)

  2. Four? Pah! I've done six in one sitting! Peggy's, not M & S - now that is true gluttony. I don't mind saying I felt sick afterwards and yes, I deserved it.

  3. ohhh I randomly just blogged about cuppie cakies...I can't wait to try these *drool*

    Oh I'm going to the cattle grid tomorrow...i think i will be ordering a steak - with the haggis topping!!!

  4. @Thora- If only you were driving over, it'll be more than just shortbread and cakes!
    @Helen- Thanks for the reminder with Peggy's, I'm gonna pop over there this Sat. and make myself deservedly ill thereafter.
    @mmv- Cattle Grid, a few birdies have found my review to be the absolute contrary to their experiences, I need to go back and check things out. Awaiting your verdict with anticipation

  5. Glad you liked them - I just found them overly sweet and a wee bit oily! I may have to give the lemon meringue ones a go though, just to check.

    I tried the fairy cakes they've launched as well -a friend at work kindly bought me them, and they were a bit nicer than the cupcakes for me!
